Berkeley Workshop on Vector Boson + Jets Production

Organized by M. Mangano (CERN), C. Bauer (LBNL) and B. Heinemann (UC Berkeley and LBNL)

March 26th - March 28th 2008

The understanding of QCD production of bosons plus jets is pivotal for measurements of top production and for many searches for new physics at both the Tevatron and the LHC, e.g. searches for Supersymmetry or Higgs boson(s). A large number of theoretical calculations and tools have become available over the last few years and have been compared recently by many of the authors of the different programs. The goal of this workshop is to review the comparison of these predictions to data, with particular focus on heavy flavor jets which have not yet been studied so extensively. We would thus like to review the theoretical basis, the performance and compare them to the available data from the Tevatron and their predictions for the LHC both for light and heavy flavor jets. In particular we will also review which further measurements could be useful to advance our understanding of these processes present and future experiments.

For this purpose we hope to gather the leading theorists who are working on the relevant calculations and the leading experimentalists who have done measurements related to these processes and/or are interested in making them in the near future.

The workshop is going to last for three days and will feature a few talks per day and lots of time for discussions and working together. We will also provide room for an additional 2 days of work space. In addition we will also try to prepare comparisons and benchmarks ahead of the workshop so that discussions can take place more effectively.


Participation is limited to 30 people in order to maintain a workshop atmosphere that allows detailed discussions. Thus participation is by invitation only. Please contact the organizers if you would like to participate.

The cost is $40 to attend. There will be a barbeque on Thursday, March 27. The cost for attending the barbeque is an additional $30 per person. Fees can be paid when you arrive. If you plan to attend the conference please fill out the Registration form.


We have reserved rooms in the following hotels until February 21st: Please, contact Olga Diaz (email:, phone: +1-510-486-5853, fax:+1-510-486-6808) by February 21st and she will assist you with the booking of the hotel. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee rooms in these hotels after February 21st. From both the French Hotel and the Downtown Berkeley Inn you can catch the free shuttle bus up to LBL or even walk. If you have any questions, please email us.


Agenda and Talks


Here you can find a list of registered participants.
This workshop is the first in a series on High PT Hadron Collider Physics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in collaboration with UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Centre of Theoretical Physics.
   Please send email to Christian Bauer and Beate Heinemann if you have any questions.