Berkeley Workshop on
Searches for Supersymmetry at the LHC
Organized by J.-F. Arguin1), C. Bauer1),
B. Heinemann1,2), Z. Ligeti1),
M. Papucci1), D. Stuart3)
1) LBNL, 2) UC Berkeley, 3) UC Santa Barbara
Oct 19th - 21st, 2011
Already based on only 40 pb-1 of 2010 data the LHC experiments
have searched for supersymmetry in a variety of signatures and extended
the direct constraints previously set by the Tevatron and LEP experiments.
With the 2011 dataset which is expected to correspond to a luminosity
of a few fb-1, the reach will be extended significantly and offers
the best chance of actually observing supersymmetric particles since
the theory first was invented by Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino in 1974.
We thus host this workshop to review the experimental results, and to evaluate
to which extent all theoretical possibilities are well covered in the ongoing
experimental searches. The workshop is primarily targeted at students and young
Tentative Agenda:
Wednesday morning: introductory talks from experiments and theory overview
Wednesday afternoon: generic searches with jets, leptons and missing
Thursday morning: flavor-specific searches, e.g., with b-jets, taus, etc.
To register, please follow this link.
The deadline for registration is September 15th. To register after this date, please
contact us directly, as we have limitations on the
number of participants due to space constraints.
Participation is limited to about 60-70 people in order to maintain a workshop
atmosphere that allows detailed discussions. If more applications are received
preference is given to PhD students who want to graduate with 2011 data. The
cost is $40 to attend. There will be a barbeque on Thursday, October 20th. The
cost for attending the barbeque is an additional $30 per person. Fees can be
paid when you arrive.
A list of hotels near the LBNL shuttle bus can be found below. The rates indicated may only
be available until two weeks before the workshop. More information about nearby accommodation is available here:
The LBNL guest house:
Conveniently located on the lab site. If you won't have a car, access to and from the lab site
during evenings and weekends can be provided by a
lab taxi service. For reservation to the guest house, please follow the instructions on
this attached document. The rate is 100$/night.
Downtown Berkeley Inn:
Only a short walk from the blue lab shuttle. The phone number is +1-510-843-4043. The rate is 100$/night.
French Hotel:
Located in Berkeley "Gourmet Ghetto", approximately a 10 min walk from the blue lab shuttle. The rate is 95$/night. The phone number is +1-510-548-9930.
Durant Hotel:
Located a short walk from the orange route of the lab shuttle
(requires to transfer to the blue shuttle to get to the workshop
venue). The rate is 94$/night. You can reserve by clicking on
this link
Hotel Shattuck Plaza:
A higher end hotel located at the heart of downtown Berkeley and very close to the shuttle bus.
Please make a reservations as soon as possible. Block booking is
reserved until only two weeks before the event.
To make the reservation call them and refer to Tami Blackwell or Eric
to get the above rate. If you have trouble,
please contact
Tami Blackwell and Eric Essman.