Berkeley Workshop on
Heavy Flavor Production at Hadron Colliders

Organized by C. Bauer1), A. De Roeck2), B. Heinemann1,3), F. Maltoni4), M. Papucci1)

1) LBNL, 2) CERN, 3) UC Berkeley, 4) Universite Catholique de Louvain

Jan 14-16th, 2013

Heavy Flavor production is still among the most challenging processes to understand at hadron colliders. It provides and interesting test of QCD and an interesting tool for searches for new particles. In this workshop we plan to review this interesting topic and discuss the data measurements and the most recent theoretical advances in this area.

Tentative Indico Agenda:

Location: LBL, Perseverance Hall in bldg.54 (back of the cafeteria)


To register, please follow this link. The deadline for registration is December 21st. To register after this date, please contact us directly, as we have limitations on the number of participants due to space constraints.

Here is the List of Participants.


Participation is limited to about 50 people in order to maintain a workshop atmosphere that allows detailed discussions. If more applications are received preference is given to PhD students and postdocs. The cost is $40 to attend. There will be a conference dinner on Tuesday, January 15th 2013, at a chinese restaurant in downtown Berkeley. The cost for attending the dinner is an additional $45 per person. Fees can be paid when you arrive.


A list of hotels near the LBNL shuttle bus can be found below. The rates indicated may only be available until two weeks before the workshop. More information about nearby accommodation is available here: Please make a reservations as soon as possible. Block booking is reserved until only two weeks before the event. To make the reservation call them and refer to Tami Blackwell or Eric Essman to get the above rate. If you have trouble, please contact Tami Blackwell and Eric Essman.

This workshop is the 5th in a series on High PT Hadron Collider Physics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in collaboration with UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics.
   Please send email to Christian Bauer, Beate Heinemann, Michele Papucci, Fabio Maltoni if you have any questions. DOE logo

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