Berkeley Workshop on Early LHC Physics

Berkeley Workshop on
Physics Opportunities with the First LHC Data

Organized by C. Bauer, B. Heinemann, Z. Ligeti

(UC Berkeley and LBNL)

May 6th - May 8th 2009

In 2009/2010 we expect to see the first LHC collision data and this workshop is held to maximize the physics potential of this first LHC run. Current estimates for the 2009/2010 run are that the center-of-mass energy will be 10 TeV and that the integrated luminosity will be about 200 pb-1. This has been announced recently by CERN following the meeting held in Chamonix early February.

While exhaustive and detailed studies of the LHC physics potential exist with high luminosity (>10 fb-1) at 14 TeV there are relatively few studies at lower energy with low luminosity. Even though the energy is slightly lower than the design it may be very interesting to make measurements at this lower energy which is still a factor of 5 larger than ever observed in a controlled environment! In fact it may be particularly interesting to measure something at 10 TeV as this may never be done again when the LHC runs at full steam. This workshop therefore aims at exploring the physics that might be possible with such a data sample and particularly is aimed at PhD students who wish to graduate on the 2009/2010 data. Since the integrated luminosity is still rather uncertain (both in terms of how much will be delivered by LHC and also how much good data will be acquired for physics analysis by the experiments) we will survey opportunities for any luminosities between 1 pb-1 and 200 pb-1 For theorists this presents the great opportunity to inspire those students to measure some peoperty that may otherwise not get measured.

The topics covered by this workshop are

Program and Slides


Participation is limited to about 50-60 people in order to maintain a workshop atmosphere that allows detailed discussions. If more applications are received preference is given to PhD students who want to graduate with 2009/2010 data.The cost is $40 to attend. There will be a barbeque on Thursday, May 7th. The cost for attending the barbeque is an additional $30 per person. Fees can be paid when you arrive.

The list of registered particpants can be found here

The deadline for registration was March 21st. If you would like to participate, please contact us directly as we have limitations on the number of participants due to space constraints.


A list of hotels near the LBNL shuttle bus is available here. We have made some block bookings at the following places: Please make a reservations as soon as possible. To make the reservation call them and refer to Tami Blackwell or to get the above rate. If you have trouble, please contact Tami Blackwell.

This workshop is the 2nd in a series on High PT Hadron Collider Physics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in collaboration with UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Centre of Theoretical Physics.
   Please send email to Christian Bauer, Beate Heinemann, Zoltan Ligeti if you have any questions.